Thursday, July 21, 2011

Catching Up

It's been too long since I last updated this blog. So here is a brief post to catch up on everything: Over the winter and spring months, S. was living out of state so our only contact was via phone or Skype. But in mid June, he moved in with me!!!! Yay! He has been here for about six weeks now and things have been very busy. So today is the first chance I've had to update my blog. But I hope to update it more frequently in the future! :) So please be patient with me. Hopefully, I will have more fun posts to come! Although the timing and the nature of what happens is, of course, up to S., not me!  ;)


  1. Glad to hear back from you. I was starting to worry.

  2. Hi,

    Thanks for commenting. I know I was absent from the blog for way too long. I did feel bad about it because I know how annoying it's been when I've found other blogs I loved and they suddenly stopped posting. Hopefully some of my recent posts about S's more creative ideas will help make up for the break! ;)
