Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fire & Ice

Yesterday, S. asked me how I felt about playing with hot wax. I hadn't given it a lot of thought up until then. I have seen pictures of it done, but never experienced it. It didn't sound terribly painful, I just found the idea of playing with fire (literally) a little scary and, being a girl, I was worried about making a mess. I had visions of wax droplets all over the bed and floor. I figured I'd NEVER get the wax out of the sheets! lol.

So we discussed it and my reservations and came up with a plan of action: I have a big plastic dropcloth that I sometimes use for protecting my furniture or rugs while painting or doing certain types of cleaning. We decided that if we put that over the entire bed, the wax droplets would fall harmlessly on it and we wouldn't have to worry about a mess at all. I wasn't really worried about the pain. In fact, I figured the whole scenario would be pretty ho hum, since I've accidentally spilled wax on myself before and it was no big deal.

So, when evening came, S and I lit candles and put them on the top of the bookshelf, and then spread the big plastic sheet over the bed. I stood back and looked at it and immediately burst out laughing. It looked like something out of a movie where you see the evil murderer put down plastic sheets to wrap the body in after murdering the helpless girl. I told S it looked kind of creepy! We giggled about it together. Then I left the room and came back with a big watering can full of water. S looked at me and laughed and asked what in the world I was doing? I pointed out that, if we were going to be playing with fire, having a ready source of water nearby seemed prudent. He seemed to find this overabundance of caution extremely funny. But I told him that if he was the one who was going to be tied hand and foot and then blindfolded around fire, he might want some water nearby too, so he decided to humor me.

Then S used the leather cuffs to secure my hands behind my back, and attached a posture collar to my neck with the D ring facing behind me. He used bondage rope to tie my wrists to the D ring and pull them tight so they were pulled halfway up my back and any struggling against the shackles brought the collar tight against my throat. The end result was that I was forced to sit up very straight and push my chest out in order to be able to breathe comfortably.

Then, S pulled out the blindfold and looked me in the eye right before pulling it over my head and told me: "I'll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom." GAH! I hate that! Next thing I knew, I was alone, and blindfolded, sitting on the edge of the bed with my head forcibly held high by the collar and my arms slowly beginning to ache in their position secured halfway up my back. Plus my backside was starting to ache from the whipping I got the other night. Any prolonged pressure on it just hurts!

So I struggled off the bed to my feet and stood there by the bed, feeling extremely vulnerable. I couldn't see anything and could only judge my position by the feel of the bed behind me. And with the way I was shackled, I couldn't move at all except to walk, which was pointless since I was blind. I stood there for several minutes, trying not to sway, and cursing S for leaving me there. I think he enjoys getting me into predicaments and then leaving me to stew! Grrr...

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, S came back and told me to get on the plastic sheet covered bed. I struggled to obey. But since I couldn't bend my back at all and my hands were useless and I couldn't see what I was doing, it was more difficult than anticipated. S. had to help me into position. I wound up on my knees, on what I assume was the center of the bed, sitting back on my heels.

I knelt there for a few moments and then I suddenly felt the presence of heat near my face, and knew that S must have picked up one of the candles and brought it near. I inched my head back as far as I could, feeling nervous about the proximity of the flame to my hair, especially since I couldn't see it at all or move to protect myself in any way. Unfortunately, this move also caused me to stick my chest out even more. Next thing I knew, I felt a sudden intense heat on my right breast as the first droplets of wax dripped onto it. I gasped: It didn't hurt much. Just more of a startling sensation of heat: Uncomfortably hot at first and just a little painful but almost immediately cooling. Then, followed by the odd sensation of the wax hardening against my nipple as it cooled.

Before I could get used to the odd sensation, I felt more hot wax dripping down my left breast and from there onto my stomach. I involuntarily yanked against the cuffs in a move to protect myself, but the only effect this had was to cut off my own air supply for a few moments as the rope pulled the collar sharply against my throat. S. seemed to be enjoying himself: "How does that feel?" he inquired, with a smile in his voice. "H-h-hot" I replied after a few seconds. I could tell from my stammering that the sensations of heat and helplessness were getting to me a lot more than I had expected them to. S. checked to make sure that I wasn't getting burnt too much and I shook my head no in response. And so he continued.

For a while, S alternated between pouring wax down my front and then playing with my nipples. The odd sensations of heat, hardening wax, and having my nipples teased were beginning to make me feel overwhelmed. Then S left the room briefly and returned. When he did, He inserted a vibrator that has a piece that sits against the clit and then, before I knew what was going on, he slipped a piece of ice under it, right against my clit.

ARRRRGH! S. has done this before and for some reason the ice seems to sit right in there while it melts and makes me completely insane. The first instant it touched my clit, I rose up off my heels and tried to catapult myself away from the ice. Of course, I was completely unsuccessful and S laughed as I squirmed, trying desperately to dislodge the cube that was now making me feel as if my entire clit was on fire: The freezing sensation being very close to burning. I could feel the melted water from the ice dripping down the inside of both of my thighs and pooling on the plastic sheet around my knees.

Then S. brought out the whip. At this point, I started to shake, which is the immediate precursor to my entering subspace. There was too much going on for my body to deal with: The heat and hardened wax sensation on my breasts and stomach, the way my hands were shackled behind me and attached to the collar, forcing me to keep my head up and my posture straight, the intense burning/freezing sensation against my clit, the buzzing of the vibrator deep inside me, and now S whispered in my ear that since he hadn't been able to whip me very hard the other night on my breasts, he was going to take advantage of this position to do so now.

All I could do was shake my head back and forth in a silent plea, and try not to tremble too convulsively. But I almost immediately felt the whip against my right breast and jumped violently. I hadn't heard S. wind up. Fortunately for me, S wasn't too rough and the hardened wax helped protect me somewhat, but I still got several good lashes against each breast before he was done. I was shaking hard by this point and not completely aware of what was going on.

Then S. removed the collar, and I started to relax just a little. Usually, once he starts to remove the cuffs and shackles I know it's over and I can let go. But this time, as soon as He had removed the collar, I felt him attaching the cuffs to my ankles and I knew I would have to endure more before the night was done. S. quickly tied my ankle cuffs together and then secured my wrists to the bedframe in front of me with a length of bondage rope, with about a foot or so play between the cuff and the headboard. The result was that I was on all fours, with my arms pulled forward and  quite a bit to each side, and my ankles locked together so I could move neither forward nor backward. I groaned as my shoulders struggled to hold me up with my arms forcibly held so far apart. I wound up leaning over and putting my head down on the bed and resting on my elbows instead of my hands to give my shoulders a break. This caused my butt to stick up in the air, but I couldn't maintain the other position for long.

Then, with no warning, S dripped hot wax over my ass. Due to my position, my butt crack was open and the wax dripped all the way down it, causing me to leap back to my position on all fours, despite my protesting shoulders. S laughed, clearly delighted at having gotten me in such a tender place. I moaned as he continued to pour hot wax over my buttocks and back, trying to control my shaking. Fortunately, by now the ice had mostly melted so I didn't have to contend with that sensation as well.

Once S was satisfied with whatever wax design he was creating, I felt him stand up on the bed and move in front of me to the space where my arms were being held apart by the cuffs. He knelt down in that space and I then felt him yank my head up by the hair and he commanded: "Open!" I obediently opened my mouth and immediately felt his cock in my mouth. It was hard and warm and he pulled my ponytail back and forth, forcing me to suck up and down his cock. Then I felt his other hand go to my right nipple and start to tease me. I gasped and stopped what I was doing. "Keep sucking!" he commanded and yanked my ponytail so I tried to comply, doing my best to focus on what my mouth and head were doing instead of the increasingly distracting sensation of his fingers tweaking my nipple.

This continued for a while, and then S moved behind me on the bed. I could feel him standing behind me on the mattress, and suspected I knew what was coming. Sure enough, I heard him stroking himself for just a few seconds and then a sudden new sensation of heat all over my back and ass as he came explosively all over me. I've said this before, but S. cums more than any man I've ever known. It's seriously like he's got five or six guys back there with him, all cumming at the same time. So I was covered in the stuff before he was done.

Once S had spent his load, he got down off the bed and then spent a few minutes taunting me: Telling me what a mess I was and what a dirty girl I am. I was too exhausted and far into subspace to respond. I just hung my head and tried not to collapse while he removed the restraints.With my body covered in wax, sweat and cum, I certainly felt dirty!!!

Then S guided me to the shower: Once a scene is over, any sensation is overwhelming for me, so even though the blindfold had been removed, I could only open my eyes for a few seconds at a time. So S had to guide me there and help me get in. I stood with my head against the shower wall and S washed me from head to toe, cleaning the cum and wax off me. Once he was done washing both of us, he dried me and led me back to the bed where he snuggled me for a long time before I could really talk again.

I have to say that the evening really surprised me. I hadn't expected wax play to be terribly interesting, but the combined sensations of the scene really got to me much quicker than I would have ever anticipated. S seems to have really enjoyed covering me with wax as well, so I suspect we will be doing it again.


  1. Great to have you back :)
    I missed reading about your experiences, so I'm looking forward to more frequent updates now that you're living with S.


  2. Thanks! It's good to have things to blog about again! :) I always love hearing from people so thank you so so much for taking the time to write a comment! :)

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