Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sad Panda :(

 So yeah... I used to think I liked snow. Now I'm thinking it might be time for me to move to South Africa. You know that really wonderful blizzard that's been blanketing the country? Well S. has now gone to the airport two freaking days running to try to come see me and both times his flights have been cancelled :( :( :( The last time he went, they actually got him on the plane, and then came and pulled him off it again because his connecting flight was canceled. At this point, we've lost 3 days together!!! :( This is making me very unhappy because I haven't seen him in four and a half months and I MISS HIM!!!!!!! Argh! And the next time I'll get a chance to see him is Spring.

So he plans to try again tomorrow. Thank god the weather across the country looks better. All I can say is that if anything goes wrong this time, he better grow wings and fly here himself because I'm going to go out of my mind!!! :( I so hope that I will have something GOOD to post soon!!!!!!!


  1. That has to be so frustrating! i hope he gets there soon.

  2. Thanks! It has been an absolute nightmare :(
