Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cooking Therapy

I woke up at 7am today and groaned, knowing I wouldn't be getting back to sleep, and that there were still eleven hours before I would know for sure whether S. will FINALLY be able to make it today or not. So I decided that I needed to expend some of my nervous energy in a productive way. S. sounds sick and snuffly (and who wouldn't be sick after five freaking days of being stuck in various airports!?) so I figured soup was the way to go. I spent a little time looking online and found a recipe for a really great baked potato crock pot soup. So I went to the store, bought the ingredients, and spent the afternoon making it. I also made some oatmeal chocolate cookies from scratch while I was at it.

So, the way I figure it, I'll either have some really great soup for S. to eat if he does get here tonight, or if the flight is canceled or overbooked again, I'll just commit suicide by drowning myself in the baked potato soup. So it will come in handy either way! :P


  1. Jade.....sweetie I'm so sorry! I was just thinking about you and wanted to see what was going on! It figures that the fucking blizzard had to hit during vacation! I wanna cry with you. You can always email me if you wanna chat! Wish I could have been there for you to vent to! (((HUGS)))

    Chris (goodgirl...)

  2. Hi goodgirl,

    Thanks so much for thinking of me! You are always such a great support. Thank God, S. FINALLY made it here! And oh boy it's been a whirlwind. I'll be updating my blog soon with details.
    Hugs back!
