Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Good Girl"

        "Good girl!"           

                                                        "Good slave!"

These words alternately make me smile and squirm. They bring up such contradictory feelings inside me, it's difficult to cope or process!

When S. says either one of these to me, I immediately have two simultaneous and opposite reactions:

1. One part of me curls up and purrs, in glorious happiness that I have pleased him. That part of me wants to lick his toes, kiss the ground he walks on, and worship him forever. That part lives for the praise, for that tone of voice that means I've pleased him.

2. But another part of me bares it's teeth and growls. Good girl? It says. How patronizing! How belittling! Good SLAVE? It howls. I am a strong, independent woman, hear me roar! GRRRRRRRRRR! That part makes me want to bite him, HARD!!! But, if I'm being honest, that part also starts the inevitable drip between my legs.

Sometimes, I feels as though my own body betrays me: Even while my mind is yowling in resistance, my knees get wobbly, and my pussy tingles, and wetness instantly seeps out of me, to belie my protesting words. Bad body! Sometimes I wish I had a little better control over it, lol. But S. can make me wet in an instant, with only a few soft words.

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