Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dinner Tonight

I am home from work now and S. has told me that he will be placing me in the bondage rope harness he put me in the other night for our outing with friends tonight. We are all supposed to go out to eat at a restaurant together. When he told me, my face was like :O !!!  I kept waiting for him to say "Psych! Just kidding!" But, unfortunately for me, he isn't kidding. OMG. After having experienced that harness the other night, I know exactly how tight that thing is and how it bites mercilessly into my clit and butt crack. Sitting down is going to be torture!!! And my friends are vanilla and know nothing at all about anything like this, so I'll have to try to act completely normal. This is going to suck for me!!! S. keeps teasing me and saying I'll have to work hard not to whimper no matter how the rope tortures me throughout the meal.... >_>

So I guess I'll be blogging later tonight or tomorrow about how it all goes tonight. Wish me luck! My stomach is doing flip flops! I'm afraid my face will be flaming red the entire time and they'll ask me why I keep squirming. Arrrrgh, this night is going to be CRAZY.

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