Monday, January 3, 2011

First Anal & Bondage Harness

We drove home on Sunday after one final gourmet breakfast and checking out of the inn, and spent a lovely afternoon at home, cuddling in front of the TV, watching movies. S. kept up the routine of playing with my nipples nonstop so I was very very very horny by the time the movie ended and all wet. He seems to delight in keeping me constantly horny and then teases me about what a “dirty slave” I am, and tells me he doesn’t understand why I’m wet all the time.
I’d been asking S. if I could have the privilege of washing him when he took a bath for the last couple of days, but he kept saying no. But he did call me in after his bath that afternoon and tossed me a towel and said, “Dry me, slave!”  I was so happy to be able to serve him in that way!  I carefully used the towel to dry every inch of him. I did his top first and then knelt and dried his legs and then his cock and balls very very carefully. He turned around so I repeated the procedure for his backside as well. Then I checked to make sure that he was pleased with the way I had done it. He was! J It made me smile a lot!!! S. knows that I have a terrible time with any type of titles and he’s promised me that I will call him “Master” again before he leaves. But he knew I wouldn’t say it so easily. So he commanded me to say “Thank you, Sir.” After drying him off. I flushed bright red and stared at the floor and said “Thank you, Sir.” In a tiny voice.  I hoped that would be good enough. But apparently it wasn’t: S. grabbed my hair and forced my head up to face him, saying “Look at me!” I stared into his eyes, unable to move my head away, and he said: “Now say it again.” I cut my eyes away a couple of times, gathering my courage and then repeated “Thank you, Sir” in my small voice and he was finally satisfied. He let go of my hair and I immediately looked at the floor once more.

After that, the rest of the evening became progressively more interesting.  S. had indicated earlier that day that he wished for me to cook him lamb chops so I happily did. It was his first time tasting lamb and he loved it!!!! It makes me so very happy to be able to please him in that way! :D After that, S. decided that he wanted to do the dishes for me. I keep telling him that he isn’t supposed to be doing any work at all! That I can and will happily do absolutely everything for him!!! But I guess he has his own ideas on the topic lol. Because he told me that he was the Dom and could do whatever he wanted and that if I didn’t shut up and learn my place, I could kneel in the kitchen doorway and watch him in silence until he was done with the dishes. So after that, I stopped voicing my objections, although I still felt very very twitchy and useless, watching him move around my kitchen cleaning up for me!!!!

Then things got kind of crazy. We went to the bedroom and he put the spreader bar back on me. I was on my hands and knees, so the bar spread me very wide back there. Then S. attached the wrist restraints and used the bondage rope to attach the wrist restraints to the center of the bondage bar, running the rope between my arms and legs. I was still on all fours, bent over with my ass in the air, but the difference was that I couldn’t take a header off the bed or move away now that my wrists and ankles were connected. He then inserted the bit gag, and proceeded to whip my ass soundly. It hurt! He moved very quickly and I didn’t hear him pick up the whip, so the first lash took me completely by surprise. When it hit, I jumped so hard, my hands and knees all left the bed simultaneously. S. enjoyed that. And with the spreader bar, I couldn’t even wiggle from side to side, the way I normally do, and the bondage rope prevented me from lunging forward either. By the time he was done, my ass HURT and I had drooled all down my chin. S. would come over periodically and yank my head up by the hair and ask how I was doing. With the gag in place, and halfway in subspace, all I could do was groan unintelligibly back.

After he was done placing welts all over my ass, S. inserted the largest butt plug once again, causing me to moan. Then he brought out the double bullet vibrator. He placed the first bullet deep inside my pussy, and then used the second one in a way I would never have anticipated: He held it right against the base of the butt plug, causing the entire plug to vibrate deep in my ass! I about lost it when he did that. I groaned, and squirmed and wiggled as far as the spreader and restraints would let me, which wasn’t far at all. Despite all my desperate movements,  S. continued to press the bullet right against the plug, making me crazy with the vibration deep inside my ass.  The sensation was simply insane, and I wasn’t sure I could stand it, but I had no other choice. So S. continued to torment me until he was satisfied, while I wriggled, moaned and groaned desperately fighting it. When he was FINALLY done, he removed the restraints and let me recover for a while.

Later on that night, S. became very hard while we were cuddling in bed, and decided it was time for my first session of anal. So he had me kneel on the edge of the bed with my ass presented and spread my legs. I did as I was told. In a way, this was harder than anything yet, because I’ve been so terrified of anal and there were no restraints keeping me in place. I had to use sheer willpower not to bolt away from him, and lock my muscles in place instead. My heart was beating so very hard, I thought it would explode. I could hear S. behind me, putting on a condom and I started trembling in fear of what was to come. I buried my head in the comforter and gripped it in both fists, and just tried to hang in there and not move. Then I heard the lube bottle and next thing I knew, his finger was deep in my ass. It’s bad enough having something inserted in there, but the in and out, in and out sensation is enough to make me want to leap through the nearest window, glass and all. But I knew I had to remain still, so I grit my teeth, arched my back, and did.

I could hear him lubing up his cock and fought the urge to turn around and peek to see how wide he was. I was so afraid that this was going to hurt terribly! Then, the next thing I knew, his cock was in my ass!!!!!! It was so fast!!! Not at all what I had expected! I had imagined it having to be pushed in slowly and ripping my anus apart as it went. But it was inside me in the flash of an instant and S. started pounding against me. The in and out sensation was pretty awful, but I was so insanely relieved that it wasn’t horribly painful, I remained still and didn’t move until he was done. By this time, I was most of he way into subspace: The willpower it had taken for me to submit and remain in position without bolting away had completely drained me, and after spending so much time on my hands and knees recently, my trembling muscles ached.

When S. went to the bathroom to wash and clean up, I just collapsed a little onto the bed on my belly with my legs still bent and spread. By the time he came back, I was still that way, just trying to remember how to breathe. He came over and asked me some questions about the experience, but all I could do was mostly nod or shake my head.  As always, when I am in subspace, S. took care of me. He sat on the bed and let me curl up with my head on his lap. He patted and stroked me and told me he loved me and made me feel safe until I was able to sit up and speak again. (I never have any sense of time when this happens so I have no idea how long it took).

Once I was better, S. announced that he had decided that I was going to sleep in a bondage rope harness tonight. This was almost too much for me to bear at this point, after enduring the whipping, the butt plug, and now my first time with anal. So I just stared at him, trying to figure out whether he was teasing me, or was serious. I guess I figured out he was serious when he told me to get the laptop so we could look at the diagram… So I obeyed. And he told me to stand up and then followed the directions on the screen to create the harness.

This was my first time in bondage rope, and I had no idea what to expect. It was the weirdest sensation!!! The harness ran between my legs, so both ropes were pulled tight, chafing against my pussy and pulled tight, deep within my butt crack, then running up my spine to be reconnected to the rope around my neck, and finally weaving a pattern around my torso that made the entire harness tight. By the time the final knots were tied, the harness felt very tight around me, and any movement at all caused the rope between my legs to chafe mercilessly either against my clit or my anus. The sensation was maddening.

S. seemed very pleased with himself and ordered me in bed. Just getting into the bed made me immediately realize that I was in trouble. There was no position at all that was even remotely comfortable and he told me to get on my left side and then curled up behind me, tugging a rope now and then, just to make it worse. In that position, the rope bit cruelly into my clit, causing both pain and arousal. And I couldn’t straighten out or wiggle to adjust my position because S. was directly behind me, spooning me. I immediately felt myself begin to drip. I groaned and whined quite a lot over the next few minutes, which just seemed to make S. grin even harder, and when I complained that any tiny movement caused the rope to chafe more against my pussy and anus, he simply responded: “That’s the whole point! Good night, slave!” and turned over and faced the other way, leaving me there in misery.

I turned out the light as ordered and lay there, wondering how in the world I was ever going to fall asleep at all. I kept whimpering quietly, so S. finally said that if I hadn’t fallen asleep within a half an hour, he might release me from the harness. Unfortunately for me, I usually look at my phone to see what time it is, and the phone was a long reach away from the bed, on the shelf. And the LAST thing I felt like doing right then was stretching, causing the harness to bite even more deeply into my sensitive parts. So I just lay there and wondered what time it was. After a short while, I could hear S. snoring gently. At that point, I nearly kicked him! It seemed so unfair that I was lying there, bound and wildly horny and with a constant biting, tugging sensation in my most sensitive areas, while he snored away peacefully. Fortunately, I mastered my impulse, and didn’t kick him or anything else.

Finally, after I have no idea how long, I dozed off, exhausted by the day’s events. I woke up sporadically through the night, each time I tried to move or adjust my position in the bed, the resulting tightening and cruel bite of the ropes would immediately wake me up. The night went on this way until maybe 3 or 4 am when S. woke up as well. He asked whether I wanted the harness removed and I nodded and said please!!!! So he removed it and my god what a relief it was!!! The rope left an interesting pattern of marks and some chafe areas on my body. After that, I slept much much better! It was such a blessed relief not to have anything pulling and chafing against my sensitive areas!!!

In the morning, the rope marks were all gone, but the chafed areas were still red and a bit raw. I didn’t really pay much attention to them, until I sprayed my perfume on before going to work and nearly jumped out of my skin: The alcoholic base of the perfume caused the chafed areas on my chest to burn like mad! I had to wipe tears from my eyes before I could continue to get dressed.

1 comment:

  1. ok my boyfriend wants to do anal and ur traning seems sore i dont like that much pain, im so scared and want to make him happy but. . . the ides of anal is scary :< what to do but make him happy? i think im falling for him and he think i might like it.. . . ill try it once to see how it goes.
