Monday, August 29, 2011

Very Scary Experience

If you've been keeping up with my blog, you know that we recently acquired a new O-ring gag.

So, the other night, S. decided to put it on me for my training with it. He attached it snugly and then went about his normal routine of playing with me. He attached the cuffs and then connected my wrists and ankles, so I was in a doggy style position with my face against the mattress and my ass in the air.

I felt S. move behind me on the mattress and then felt his fingers spread me and he soon penetrated me. Up until this point everything was fine. But then, he started to pound me and, with each new thrust, my face and shoulders were pushed forwards against the mattress. Normally, this is a little painful but okay, but with the O-ring gag in, I couldn't brace myself at all.

I began to groan with each new thrust, but S just kept right on going. Then, something really bad started to happen: For some reason, because of the way the gag held my jaw and throat, my airway started to collapse more with each thrust. It took me a few seconds to realize what was happening, but I could hear the gasping, ragged breaths I was trying to take in, and I started to get scared. I tried to shout to S to STOP! But with the O-ring gag in it was completely unintelligible. Plus by that time my airway was getting really cut off and I could barely breathe so it just game out as another moan and he kept right on going. I struggled and moaned as loud as I could, but S. thought I was just reacting to his penetrating me deeply and kept right on going.

At that point I started to see little black stars and I had a terrifying moment where I thought: "Oh God, I might actually die!" In a last desperate attempt, I wrenched and twisted my entire body to the left and finally managed to fall over onto my left side, with my hands and feet still shackled behind me gasping for breath. S. was immediately by my side asking what was wrong. Of course, with the gag still in place, I couldn't answer. I just cried and moaned unintelligibly. He finally got the hint and removed the gag, and between sobbing gasps, I explained what had happened.

So that was a VERY scary experience for me! :(  It had never even crossed my mind to be scared of having my airway blocked by a gag that holds my mouth open! I had had that fear related to ball gags. But there was just something about that position and the constant thrusting and weight pushing from behind me that made it impossible to breathe. It was a big lesson to learn and S. agreed that, from now on, if we use ANY type of gag at all, we will be using a bell or something that I can get his attention with if I'm in trouble.


  1. Wow that must have been a very scary experience. I'm glad you are ok and that you have found a way to ensure something like this doesn't happen again.

  2. Well, I'm really glad you didn't die!

  3. its so important to have a way to communicate, even if one is unable to speak.

  4. Hope you're still alive and kicking (although not too hard). Would love to hear how things are going.

  5. I am so glad that you are doing okay.

  6. Hi all,
    Thanks so much for thinking of me! It was a VERY scary experience but it turned out fine in the end. And we certainly learned something from it!!!
