Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ben Wa Balls + Daytrip = BAD!

Any of you ladies out there have a pair of Ben Wa balls? For those of you that aren't familiar with these, they are plastic (or metal) balls that contain weighted balls inside the plastic shell, which roll around causing self-made vibrations. You insert them and they are fabulous for Kegel exercises and getting you very very horny lol.

I had read about them a while back and decided to purchase a pair of Smartballs because I liked the idea of them being connected to each other, being easy to clean, and having a small rubber string for easy removal. I picked pink of course! (I heart pink!) So pretty!

I experimented with them a bit at home and was immediately astonished by how stimulating they can be when you are moving around! I made only ONE foray with them outside the house: A trip to the grocery store and let's just say I didn't get a whole lot of groceries lol. I had to return home in a big hurry because they were driving me completely insane!!! The stimulation was just below the threshold that would make me cum, while constantly keeping me desperately horny.

After that, I wore them at home from time to time. But I soon discovered that, if I inserted them deeply I was okay. Okay, that is, until I squatted or bent or did anything that caused them to slip lower so the bottom ball was sitting directly against the inside of the entrance to my pussy. The vibrations on that particular spot made me immediately crazy horny, and all I wanted to do was rip them out and use a real toy for some relief.

I made the mistake of sharing this information with my darling Dom and so, of course, he decided it would be humorous to order me to wear them for an entire day without being allowed to remove them or play with my toys to achieve any release. He picked a day for my Smart Ball adventure, and to my utter dismay, the date he selected happened to be the day of a planned outing with vanilla friends who wanted to drive all over the place and hike around taking pictures. Argh!!! :(

I tried to beg for a different day, but S. was SO tickled by the fact that I would have to spend the entire day with company I had to hide my mounting distress from, he wouldn't hear of changing anything. The more I came up with reasons why it was a terrible idea, the more he laughed... >_>

And so the dreaded day arrived. And, as ordered, I slipped the balls in before I went downstairs to greet my friends. By "before" I mean literally ten seconds before. I was determined to wait until the very last instant before inserting them. I pushed them in as deeply as I could, and was relieved to find that I was okay when I stood up. The vibrations didn't bother me much with them that high up.

Feeling better about the situation, I walked downstairs, with my legs as close together as I could manage, aiming to look nonchalant (and probably failing) and met my friends outside. I was going to ride in their car, which I thought was good since it meant I wouldn't have to focus on driving. However, as soon as I arrived at their vehicle, I realized I was in trouble: It was very very low to the ground and I had to squat to get in. I tried to do it as quickly as possible while keeping my legs as close together as I could, but as soon as I squatted and bent to get in the car, the balls slipped right down inside me so the lower ball was pushing directly against the entrance to my pussy. :(

There was no danger of them falling out, as I am pretty tight down there, but that ball was now sending vibrations to one of my most sensitive spots, and I had no way to adjust it while sitting in my friends' car. I tried to ignore the sensation and greet them normally. I wondered if I was blushing. Fortunately I was in the back seat. I sat there, trying to keep my thighs as close together as possible to hold back vibrations and prevent dripping.

At first, the ride went fairly smoothly and I started to relax. I texted S. to tell him the balls had slipped down but it wasn't TOO bad. But I had spoken too soon: To my utter horror, once we switched roads, we were forced to drive through 10 miles of construction. As both lanes were being repaved, the one we drove on was a very, very, very bumpy dirt road, full of potholes while they fixed the other side of the street first.

By the first bump, I knew I was in trouble! I texted S. "OMFG help 10 freaking MILES of construction. I'm going to die!!!" To my surprise, he didn't respond for quite a while. It turned out later, that he had received my text while he was in class and started laughing so hard, he actually had to turn off his phone until he regained control of himself.  >_<

By the time we made it through the 10 miles of construction, I would have gladly humped the gearshift for some relief! I was going completely insane I was so horny and simply desperate for release. Plus the strain of trying to act normal in front of my friends was really getting to me. If I could have just panted or squirmed all around on the seat like I wanted to, it would have been easier. But no, I had to sit there: All prim and proper, carrying on a nice normal conversation, while secretly mentally cataloging things to hump: Gear shift? Hell yes! Umbrella handle? Maybe. Telephone pole? Too wide. "Why yes it is a lovely day and yes I cannot wait to take lovely photographs." Carrot stick? Definitely. The handle of my travel hairbrush? Possibly. "Yes I care deeply about the temperature change this past week. How utterly fascinating!" Would you mind stopping for just a second so I can get one of your golf clubs out of the trunk?

By the time we got to our first photographic destination, I was a mess. My thighs hurt from pressing them against each other so hard for over an hour, and my ass muscles ached from clenching. Plus I still had to get out of the low car, which involved more squatting. Then we had to wander around, which involved walking - a whole new way to make the balls vibrate inside me, while stopping periodically to take shots. Of course, I kept seeing fantastic shots that were at knee level and would have required me to bend or squat. I tried it exactly once: I attempted some kind of Asian style bow movement while keeping my legs tightly together and bending at the waist to get the picture. I have no idea what I looked like. But when I straightened up, my friends were both looking at me oddly: The woman was staring quizzically at my face, and her husband was staring, bemused, at my ass... so blushed deep red and decided to stick to eye level shots for the remainder of the day.

The rest of the day was looooooooooooooong. More driving. More lovely photographic destinations. More polite conversations. More clenching. More texts from S. expressing deep hilarity at my predicament...

Let's just say that, by the time I finally got home, I never ever ever wanted to see those damn balls again as long as I lived! And ever since that day, S. enjoys threatening me with making me wear the Smart Balls to work as a punishment...It's a guaranteed way to get me to behave instantly!!!

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