Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Today's topic: ME!

Okay so that probably sounds pretty egocentric, right?

Well it is my blog after all! So I figured I should introduce myself and tell you why I am here. And what my blog is all about.

My name, for the purposes of this blog, is Jade. And I have been into bondage for as long as I can remember. Amazing, wonderful, beautiful, exciting, scary bondage!

However, I have not had very many chances to indulge most of my fantasies beyond some very basic restraints and the occasional paddling, until fairly recently...I met an amazing man a few months ago and to my great surprise, he turned out to be as turned on by kink as I am!!! And so we are beginning a journey of exploration together.

I have spent many hours reading the blogs of other people who were in different stages of exploration themselves, and found myself absolutely mesmerized by the small details of their day to day lives and experiences. So I decided to begin this blog, both to document my journey for myself, but also for anyone out there who might be curious and want to read about how this all started for me.

Speaking of other blogs, before I end this post, I simply must insert a link to what is probably the queen of all BDSM blogs when it comes to bondage and kink: Slave Duties' Blog
I have spent many hours reading her extensive blog, in complete fascination. Her lifestyle is much more extreme than I would ever choose for myself, but it makes absolutely riveting reading!

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