Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Jade's Journey: Very first post!

Blogs fascinate me.

There is something sublimely voyeuristic about being able to see into people's intimate lives, thoughts and dreams, while remaining completely anonymous.

Especially when the subject matter of the blog is deliciously naughty. You know the blogs I mean: Those that have that warning that the subject matter of the blog is for people over 18 only and you have to click "Accept" before it will let you view the content. I know you've clicked on those blogs too!

So, for a while now, I've been a lurker: One of those evil creatures that lurks on other people's blogs, sucking up energy and thoughts from their posts, but without ever contributing. I've learned so much from so many people. And many a thoughtful post has moved me along on my personal journey.

I've been toying with the idea of writing my own blog for a while now. Of ceasing to be a mere lurker and moving out of the shadows and into the light, so to speak. So I finally decided it was time to do something about it!

Within this blog, you will be able to read about my journey. I hope you enjoy it. I hope it makes you think. I hope it means something to someone out there.


  1. Wow! I really love your blog. You are a incredible writer. I cannot wait to read more. I am not a Dom but I am interested in the lifestyle. Your stories are giving me inspirations to what I am in for. Thank you for sharing....

  2. Hi Minusman26,

    Thanks so much for your kind comments! I really have enjoyed chronicling S and my adventures on here when I have the time! :) I'm so glad to hear that some of the stories inspire you. That's exactly what we were hoping for! :)
