Wednesday, November 17, 2010

First bondage experiences...the college years

So yeah, we've established that I was pretty much born kinky. I'm surprised I didn't come out of the womb all tied up in the umbilical cord lol!

But I didn't get to do anything about it other than play at tying up dolls (see my previous post) or fantasize about being restrained until I went off to college. My first college boyfriend, pretty much swept me off my feet. I was young and very impressionable and he was a bit older than I was and very sure of himself. He was a fiery redhead with a bit of a temper and I found myself in a relationship, the likes of which I had never in a million years expected.

One night, early on in our relationship, he brought me over to the footboard of the bed and said simply "Bend over." We had never discussed anything like this and I had no idea what to expect. He didn't say it loudly but there was an unmistakable command in his tone. I remember hesitating, and then complying because I simply didn't know what else to do.

Once I was bent over, he left the room briefly and then returned with what I learned later was a wooden cutting board with a long handle. And he proceeded to paddle my ass with it!!! I remember the air whooshing out of my lungs on the first hit: Not because it was particularly hard, but from sheer astonishment! As the paddling continued, I remained in position completely bemused and enthralled by the entire situation. The paddling didn't hurt much: Just a thudding feeling at first and then a stinging as he continued. But my mental and emotional reaction to the experience was like someone had opened up a window for the first time in my life and let in the light. That very first paddling changed something in me: It made all of my fantasies pale in comparison to this one, real experience. And it made me realize for the first time in my life that I might be able to do more than just fantasize...

The rest of my relationship with my redheaded boy was not long lived, but before we broke up, he introduced me to several wonderful things including bondage rope, spankings, paddlings, and most memorably, vibrators with remote controllers! (Perhaps I'll write a post about that last one at some point).

From that point on, I sought out partners who would understand that part of me and explore it with me -with a varying success. I never encountered another man who made me feel the way my redhead did...until I met my Dom that is :) But I tried to talk to many of my partners about my needs in that area. Unfortunately, most men seemed to think that a couple of slaps on the ass and the occasional hair pulling would satisfy me. When in fact, I yearned for so much more. So I was left mostly frustrated in my quest to explore more bondage until this past summer when I finally met the man who is quite literally the man of my dreams! :) But that's for another post!

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