Thursday, November 18, 2010

How I met my forever :)

S. and I met online.
In a video game of all ridiculous places...

I was absolutely not looking to meet someone from any video game irl!!! I just wanted to spend my evenings relaxing and playing online and not thinking about anything serious. S and I just happened to play together in a group and I slowly started to chat with him as the weeks passed and we played online together several nights a week.

At first, we just chatted mostly through the game chat system via typing. But over, time, we started chatting more and more using voice programs like Skype or Ventrillo. For the first few months we spoke only about the game, but then slowly started to share more with each other about our private lives. I learned that he was a college student close to graduation, that he was very smart, that he had a wicked sense of humor, and that he cared deeply for his family. He was always super sweet to me and we got along well. We both felt comfortable with one another and enjoyed each other's company online. We chatted in this way for about 8 months on a nearly nightly basis.

Then one night, S. told me that he really liked me and wanted to come to meet me in person over the summer. At first, I was just shocked: I had not been so much as considering meeting anyone from an online game in real life. And there were many things that seemed to me to be huge barriers to us meeting, not the least of which was the fact that S. lived in a state halfway across the country from where I live.

I thought to myself: "No way! He's insane. This will never happen!" But I tried to let him down easy, saying well, summer is a long way off and we live very far apart so we will see what happens... But I had zero intention of even considering such a meeting.

Over the next few months, S. never pushed me about meeting him (if he had, I would have completely shut down all communication with him and run away like a scared gazelle). But every few weeks, he would just gently let me know that he was still very interested in meeting me.

I was extremely resistant to the idea. I felt that we were too far apart in too many ways and that it would never work. Plus, I had frankly had enough of super sweet guys who had no idea how to take control. I wanted, I needed a partner who would revel in my world of kink as much as I did and push me to new limits. In my mind, S. was a super nice guy and would probably faint if I so much as brought up the subject! So I continued to dismiss the idea of us meeting.

But S. continued to let me know that he was interested and we were now spending more and more time talking to one another online each night. By this time, we were talking every single night, not just within the game, but on the phone and via text messages. I really did care about him, but I felt that the difference in what I imagined he wanted in bed and my own needs would be insurmountable.

Finally, one night, I decided to simply be honest with him after he once again expressed interest in us meeting in person. I broached the subject carefully but in a straightforward way. I didn't want to freak him out completely but I needed him to know where I was coming from. It became clear that S. had not had any previous experiences with bondage or any type of BDSM. But, to my complete and total astonishment, he was immediately enthralled by the idea of it! He was curious and asked questions and almost immediately started coming up with what he dubbed "scenarios" to put me in.

I have to admit that my mouth was literally hanging open! I had pegged him as a super sweet Mr. Nice Guy: Vanilla to the core! And here he was, talking about how he'd love to use the tip of a whip to brush it across my thighs, to make a chill run up my spine! I couldn't believe it!!!

From that point forth, our conversations became MUCH more interesting lol. And I finally agreed to meet him in real life. I wasn't comfortable with the idea of him coming to me and meeting me in my home turf. And I certainly wasn't ready to meet him in his. So, instead, we agreed to meet in a neutral location and spend 5 days together at a hotel and see what happened!!!


  1. Thank you for sharing your story. I was shock to find out that your "S" was not always a DOM.

  2. Nope, he most certainly was not. In fact, quite the opposite until he met me! :) I think that I opened a whole new door in his heart and mind. And what lay behind that door surprised the heck out of both of us!!! lol...
