Friday, November 26, 2010

Bound Wrist to Ankle

After our first meeting, once I had established that he wasn't a serial killer, S. and I were apart for a few weeks, and then he drove to the state where I live to visit me for 10 days! I missed him while we were apart, but I was very excited about having him come to stay at my house. I was really looking forward to all of the small things you cannot do in a hotel: Cooking for him, snuggling on the couch, and enjoying the benefits of my wonderful bed which, unlike a hotel bed, has wrought iron scrollwork head and footboards! Just perfect for attaching things to at all sorts of different heights and angles, if you get my drift. In fact, I'll readily admit, it's precisely why I chose that bed! :)

One of the very first things S. did upon his arrival, was have me bend over the footboard and spread my legs. He attached ankle restraints and hooked those to each leg of the bed, spreading me wide. Then he proceeded to enjoy getting reacquainted with the whip! I had been looking forward to this, but immediately discovered that the pain is significantly higher if you are bent over and your ass is tight, versus when you are lying flat on a bed. I'm not sure exactly why this is, but it was distinctly more painful. Especially as my footboard is pretty high off the ground and with my legs spread wide, there was absolutely zero room to wiggle.

S. enjoyed that position and took his time making a nice pattern of welts to re-establish his ownership of my ass. Once he was satisfied, he released me and we got into the bed together and made love. Later that night, as we were lying in the semi darkness, talking, I thought of a position I had wanted to try out. I tried to describe it to him, but it was difficult to explain exactly what I meant. So I suddenly sat up in bed and got out from under the covers. To S.'s delight, I got on my knees, and spread my legs about a foot apart, then bent down, pushing my ass up in the air, placed my arms beside my calves so my wrists were next to my ankles. I explained that he could connect the wrist and ankle restraints in this position so my wrists were bound to my ankles and there would be no way I could move or get out of the position.

S. loved the idea, and was tickled by my impromptu demonstration. I think suddenly seeing my ass presented to him, made him smile. He gave his enthusiastic approval for us to try it the following day. I snuggled back under the covers with him, glad for the darkness, because demonstrating it had made me blush quite a lot. I'm pretty shy and it was unusual for me to be so forward. I had just wanted him to understand what I meant when attempting to describe the position.

So, the following evening, S. led me to the bedroom and put the leather wrist and ankle restraints on me. My heart was beating fast with anticipation, because I knew that once I was locked into the position, I would be completely helpless, and the quick demonstration I had given the previous night gave me some idea of how vulnerable I would feel with my ass high in the air and no protection.

S. commanded me to kneel on the edge of the bed, so my tiptoes were barely peeking over the edge. Then he told me to bend over and place my head flat on the bed, and reach for my ankles on either side. This is the closest image I could find to the position. Except that my wrists restraints were actually cliped to my ankle restraints with barely an inch between them, and there was about a foot and a half of space between my legs. This meant everything was in full view and available for whatever S. might want to do to me.
When I first got into the position, I felt tremendously exposed, and wiggled around a bit, trying to find a slightly more comfortable and less nerve wracking position. But, to my dismay, I found out that wiggling just caused my legs to spread more and once they did, I was completely unable to bring them any closer together! Now, spread even wider, and completely vulnerable to anything S. might decide to do to me, I lay there, panting, trying not to move.

S started by using the edge of the whip and running it lightly over the sensitive skin of my ass and thighs, making me shiver. My heart started to pound because I knew from yesterday's experience that, bent over as I was, this was going to hurt a lot. I wished desperately that there was something, anything I could do to protect myself a bit. But in this position, the only thing I could manage was to clench my fingers and toes in anticipation. Sure enough, the first swing hit and I whimpered in pain, despite myself. I prefer to remain silent as much as possible, but I simply couldn't help myself. By the third and fourth swings, I was whimpering and moaning quite a lot. The pain was astonishingly sharp, and any attempt to move away from it, just caused my legs to slide farther apart, exposing me further to the whip and anything else S. might choose to do.

After half a dozen strokes, S. took pity on me and paused, using his fingertips to rub the newly swelling welts, admiring his handiwork. He took a few moments to kneel next to me on the bed and whisper in my ear how nice the welts looked on me and that someday he was going to whip the letters of his name right into my ass. I groaned in response.

Having decided I'd had enough of a break, S. resumed his task and I was soon whimpering again with each new impact of the whip. I found myself praying that he would hit new spots, instead of focusing on areas that had already been abused as I was having a very hard time tolerating the pain when the lash found the same spot multiple times in a row. My body reflexively convulsed forward with each impact, only to be brought up short by my wrists restraints which kept me firmly in place with my arms pulled down to my ankles.

S. seemed to sense me slipping into subspace, and he paused once again, and this time went to get an anal plug. "Mmmm," he told me. "This will look good, deep in your ass!" I groaned and tried to pull away, but only succeeded in putting more pressure on my already aching wrists. S. laughed and I heard him squirt some lube onto his hand. And seconds later, his finger was in my ass. I have never allowed any man before S. anywhere near that part of my body and I hated the sensation when he had done this at the hotel. But I also knew that S. very much wanted anal sex and he planned to train me until I was ready to take his cock back there. I could tell he was enjoying pushing his finger in and out, spreading the lube deep inside and I groaned and tried to endure the discomfort and humiliation. Then, once my hole was nice and slippery, he removed his finger, only giving me a moment of respite, before pushing a plug deep inside. I hated the way the plug spread me back there, making me feel even more vulnerable and I moaned into the mattress as his fingers pushed against it, making sure it was nestled as deeply as possible.

Then, using his other hand, S brushed his hand against my clit. I was already incredibly sensitive from the whipping and having the plug inserted and I gasped at the lightest touch. He seemed to enjoy this and teased me with his fingers, rubbing lightly at my most pleasurable areas until I thought I would go crazy. I could feel how wet I was becoming, and so could he, so he inserted two fingers deep inside me and continued to rub my clit at the same time.

The feeling was insane: I had never been tied in such a vulnerable position before in my life. I was literally completely helpless. My ass throbbed from the whipping he had given me, and my wrists and ankles ached from yanking against the restraints. I could feel my ass stretched wide by the plug deep within it, and S.'s fingers deep inside me and on my clit were moving faster and faster. I panted harder and harder with each new wave of pleasure that washed over me and then came explosively, one of the biggest orgasms of my entire life!!!

Once S. felt me cum, and the wetness seeping between my spread legs, he pushed his cock deep inside me and proceeded to fuck me hard, holding my hips as he went back and forth, rocking my helpless body with each new thrust. My ass ached each time his groin rammed into my tender flesh. It felt absolutely incredible! And he soon came deep inside me.

Once he was finished, S. removed the detested plug, and then moved to my side and disconnected my wrists restraints from my ankles and I collapsed face first onto the mattress, unable to move. I was completely spent and tremors ran through my torso ever few seconds, leaving me shaking and helpless.

S. was wonderful as always: He wrapped a blanket around my trembling body and sat on the bed beside me, lifting my head into his lap and gently stroking my hair. He talked to me in a calm and reassuring voice, telling me I was safe and how much he loved me. He continued to do so until I was finally able to move a bit and open my eyes and look up at him. Then he cuddled beside me and held me from behind so I felt completely safe and cared for.

After a while, I turned my head and looked back at him. "That was some new position!" I said. Our eyes met, and he laughed and nodded in enthusiastic agreement. And I knew that I would surely find myself in that same predicament again before the 10 days were over.


  1. i like it all :D sounds good cant wait to try. . . . i like it rough but my boyfriends not into whipping. . . and he not into the whole lookin after me like urs. iv never had an orgasm before and hope this will help!!

  2. Hi, Well I hope you have your very first orgasm SOON! :) Enjoy! You have so much fun ahead of you for sure. I hope you also find someone to take care of you in the aftermath. If you do some reading online on aftercare, you will learn how crucial it is and how it truly is the Dom's role to provide it because the sub is incapable of doing it for themselves. Hugs and good luck and thank you for reading my blog !:)
