Monday, November 22, 2010

The other four days

Hmm so much to say and so little time, lol. I have like 10 topics started but am having a hard time deciding in what order to write them. I'm trying to stick more or less to chronological order so this blog doesn't become a confusing mess, but it's kind of hard because what's weighing most on my mind may not have anything to do with what happened next chronologically between me and S.

So, what I logically should be telling you about is my other four days at the hotel in the strange city with S. after we met for the very first time! Well in a nutshell, it was WONDERFUL! :) :) :) He was everything I could ever have hoped for and dreamed! He was a wonderful gentleman by day, and made my head spin each night! What more could a girl ask for? :)

In the daytime, we would sleep late, get up and then go somewhere in the city. Everywhere we went, he was a gem: solicitous and sweet, carrying my backpack for me, holding doors, always checking to make sure I was happy and enjoying myself. He was just fun to be with! When we would get back to the hotel, we would order dinner and then kick back and watch TV. We laughed and giggled together a lot. I felt so comfortable. I could be myself with him: I can be pretty goofy and we would just both laugh together. It was just perfect. :)

Then, once dinner was eaten, and night had fallen, S. would decide it was time to play and things would get interesting. After his first time with the whip, he gained confidence and used it again and made sure on our last night that I would have marks to remember him by for a long time after we parted. He seemed to particularly enjoy the thought of me having to sit through a long drive home with a very sore ass. That made him grin a lot!

I got to try out the under the bed restraint system in several positions and decided it was awesome for hotel room beds that have no convenient headboard and footboards. S. also decided that, since he wants to have anal sex at some point and I've never let any guy so much as touch me back there, it was time to start my training. The thought of having anyone penetrate that area of my body with ANYthing was mortifying! So he enjoyed inserting various fingers in me, and making me moan in discomfort and embarrassment. Fortunately for him, and less fortunately for me, S. made sure I was well restrained before engaging in anal play so my attempts to bolt from the bed as soon as he started were futile.

Parting was very hard for both of us. But we knew that we would see each other in just a few weeks. We had agreed that if our first meeting went well, he would come to where I lived and spend a week to ten days with me there. I was very excited about showing him all around the state where I live as he had never been there and I was looking forward to continuing our exploration of BDSM together. So we parted with some tears and many many hugs and passionate kisses, but with the promise of being soon reunited.

1 comment:

  1. We miss you Jade. This is the best blog ever written. I hope you come back some day. Great Post! Thank you for sharing...
