Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Growing up kinky!

Every once in a while, when I am talking to my mom, she will bring up how she always used to find my barbies all tied up with elastic hair bands restraining their small wrists and ankles, or chained to furniture legs using necklaces as chains.

I always giggle nervously when she brings up this topic, and quickly change the subject!

But her observation is accurate: For as long as I can remember, I was fascinated by the concept of people being tied up or restrained. I used to daydream about being captured, imprisoned, made helpless. I watched movies and cartoons over and over where people were chained or tied to something.

I don't believe that this penchant for kink was a result of some traumatic experience, or a sickness. I was never tied up or restrained in any way during my childhood. Nor did I ever see anything remotely like that happen to anyone else. My parent's sex life was, as far as I can tell, plain vanilla, and I was never made aware that anyone's was anything different. In fact, I probably didn't become aware of anything kinky as a part of sex until I was well into my 20s.

My fascination with the topic just seems to be something I was born with: A part of who I am. Long before I reached puberty, as far back as I have memory of anything, I remember wanting to be tied up.

What can i say? Some kids are born to be vetenarians. I was born to be kinky. :)

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