Sunday, November 21, 2010

The whipping girl

This image is a perfect representation of my very first night of fun with S! :) See how sweet the boy's face looks? Young and soft and gentle. But do you also see that sadistic glint in his eye? The slight smirk at the corner of his mouth? The eager way he is leaning forward?

See how happy and excited the girl looks? See her willingness as she holds her wrists up to be bound? But do you also see the fear and sense of shock in her wide eyes? The oh-my-god-what-am-I-doing grit of her teeth? The way her body instinctively leans away from him just a little?

This simple cartoon image takes my breath away because it represents pretty much exactly how it felt on my first night in the hotel with S when he decided it was time to make my lifelong dream of experiencing a whipping come true. 
One half of me was tap dancing for joy! I had had literally thousands of fantasies of being whipped! I wanted to experience it so badly! And now it was FINALLY about to happen!!!! But the other half of me, perhaps the saner half was going: WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!!!??? Don't you know, its going to HURT!? This guy is going to tie you to the bed and you will be completely helpless! Unable to stop him! Have you lost your damn mind, girl?

The whole experience, from start to finish, was literally mind blowing. Have you ever had someone place you in bondage? It's the weirdest feeling in the world to voluntarily lift your wrists and present them to be shackled. It's like the ultimate way of submitting to another person and saying "Take me, I'm yours!" S was gentle, making sure the leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles weren't too tight and didn't cut off my circulation. But still, watching him attach the restraints that would soon bind me at four points and render me helpless literally took my breath away!!!

It made me feel shy and helpless, even before I was restrained to anything. My head went down. My eyes lowered. I found I couldn't look him in the eyes. I could feel myself blushing. My heart rate accelerated and my breathing sped up as I watched him attach the leather cuffs to first my wrists, and then my ankles.

We had purchased an under the bed restraint system and placed it directly under the mattress. It looks pretty much like this, except that S placed me flat on my stomach, with the straps tightened so all four of my limbs were stretched out in an X, with little room to wiggle. And my ass was bare and completely unprotected...just the way I'd always imagined it. Except much, much scarier since this was REAL!

It was at this point that it occurred to me that while I might have enjoyed all of my fantasies about whips, while I was lying safely and pain free under my big comforter, this was going to actually HURT. Not just a little pain, but probably quite a lot. But as it was my very first time, I couldn't very well steel myself for the pain because I had no idea what to expect. Would it be like a thud and then a sting afterwards? Would it be a sudden sharp pain? Would the pain dull after a few seconds or keep stinging? Would it worsen? What would happen when he whipped an area that had already been marked by the lash? How was I going to react? Was I going to be able to remain silent? (I don't like making much noise at all, although S loves it when I do). Was I going to yelp? Scream? Cry? Beg? I had no idea what was about to happen and I could feel a shakiness in my limbs as S stretched them out, attaching them to each restraint in turn, until I was spread helplessly on the bed.

The whip we had picked out was a flex flicker whip. I didn't think that a crop would do that much, and decent floggers were insanely expensive. Single tail whips were out of the question as they take a lot of training and practice to use safely. So we had settled on a flicker whip to start with. It looks exactly like this:
It's basically a long flexible rod with a handle and wrist strap. On the business end, it curves and then a length of thin braided nylon sticks out about another five inches. I'd swatted myself with it a few times to test it out prior to this evening, but it's almost impossible to aim at your own rearend so I really didn't have any idea what it would feel like.

So there I was: spread out across a queen size bed in a hotel room in a strange city, with a guy I had only just met in person. He was holding a whip and standing behind me, where I couldn't see him. I pulled experimentally at the restraints, wondering how secure they were as it was my first time using an under the bed system. It became immediately apparent that the device did exactly what it was meant to do and there was no way I was going to be able to pull either my arms or my legs in to protect myself in any way. In fact, all I could really do was wriggle a little on the mattress, but that wasn't going to get me anywhere.

I suddenly felt S's weight as he moved onto the mattress beside me. Before I could pull my head up and turn it to see what was happening, he slipped a blindfold over my eyes. Christ, now I really felt helpless!!!!! There is something about having your vision cut off that really makes you vulnerable. So now, I was literally in the dark, waiting to see what would happen. I wasn't sure whether I should hold my breath and try to steel myself for pain yet or not. Was he going to start? Was the whip already traveling through the air toward my soft flesh? Was he going to tease me and make me wait? I wriggled the little that I could and pulled at the restraints, trying to bring my legs and arms in closer to my body in order to feel a little less vulnerable. But of course I couldn't.

The first sensation made my whole body jump, even though there was no pain: It took me a second to figure it out, but then I realized that S. was running the braided nylon rope softly up and down the inside of my thighs. It made me break out in goosebumps everywhere. I squirmed against the restraints a little and tried to remember to breathe.

"Are you ready?" he asked, still rubbing the tip of the whip against my sensitive skin. Was I ready? I had no idea! I was blind and shackled and helpless. I was afraid of the pain as much as I wanted to experience it. How could anyone ever be ready for something like this? I tried to find words to respond, but I seemed to have lost my voice. Shakily, I lifted my head from the mattress and nodded.

Before I could change my mind, I felt the tip of the whip leave my thigh, and heard the distinctive rush of air as S brought it down toward my naked ass. I barely had time to brace myself and BAM it impacted with my sensitive skin, right across my left buttock. The breath of air I had been holding exploded from my lungs. Owwwww! Okay well now I knew at least: The pain was sharp and sudden. And it left a lingering sting in a long line across my bare ass cheek. But it was tolerable. 

"Are you okay?" he asked. In his voice, I heard concern for me, but also a rush of power, having me bound and helpless before him. I wondered how it had felt for him to inflict his first stroke with the whip. Was he aroused? Was he excited? Was he grinning? Still blind, and voiceless, I nodded in confirmation that I was all right.
I could tell that S hadn't hit me very hard on this very first attempt. It was also his first time using a whip so he was going to take some time to figure out the best technique. I could hear him moving around the bed and then another whistle and BAM the whip hit my other cheek. This one stung a bit more as his second swing was more confident. I grit my teeth and remained silent.

There was a pause and I heard nothing. Time was impossible to gauge. I couldn't tell if seconds or minutes were passing. I listened hard, wondering what he was doing. It turns out, he was waiting me out: Waiting for me to stop bracing for the next stroke, before inflicting it. (See, this is how I know he's a natural at this lol). As soon as I stopped clenching my butt cheeks, and allowed myself to breathe a little, I heard the swish of air again. But it was too late, and the lash hit my cheek before I could gather my defenses. This time an audible whimper betrayed the shock and pain I was in. It must have pleased him, because he immediately followed up with two more lashes to that same cheek.

I groaned aloud involuntarily. My right buttock was now on fire! The stinging, which I had pretty much dismissed after the first stroke, was now raging across my entire cheek. I was trying to get my breath back and brace for another lash at the same time. But the next sensation caught me by surprise: It was the feel of his soft, warm fingertips, tracing the lash marks he had just placed on my cheek. I had never felt anything like it: Compared to the whip, his fingers were soft and gentle. But they were also pressing directly on my abused flesh: Tracing each mark, and making it sting anew.

I wriggled a little under his fingers, but my wrists hurt. I realized that I must have been yanking my arms against the restraints while he was whipping me, digging the leather cuffs into the flesh of my wrists, without even realizing it. A gentle tug of my legs, informed me that my ankles were now sore too. I felt so incredibly exposed with my legs spread out and helpless. I wondered how much he could see between my legs. His fingers could go anywhere they pleased and there wasn't anything I could do about it. Even as I tugged reflexively at the restraints once more, as his fingers explored the welts now rising on my cheek, I felt a wetness between my legs and a sudden heady sensation of incredible pleasure at my predicament.

Once S. was satisfied with his work on that cheek, he moved back to the other side. I braced myself, as I heard him moving to my left. And sure enough, another swish of air, and he set about evening up the lash marks on my left buttock so it too would show welts to match my already throbbing right cheek. By now, the pain was building up, and S.'s strokes were becoming more confident, so I grunted and whimpered through each impact.

Just as I wasn't sure I could take another stroke right then, I felt his weight on the mattress once more. He must have been kneeling beside me on the bed, because I felt the heat of his body close to my left side, and then he pulled my head up forcibly by my ponytail, his hot breath in my ear, whispering: "You're mine, Jade. I am going to have my way with you tonight!" I trembled convulsively at his words, at the smirk in his voice, at the pleasure I could tell he was getting from my pain. My head was spinning and I couldn't begin to think straight. My ass was on fire and my wrists and ankles hurt. I felt spread and vulnerable and scared and yes, excited. More excited than I had ever felt in my life!

I felt S.'s weight leave the bed, and then heard him walk toward the other side of the room where the bag of toys was. I could hear him rummaging, but couldn't tell what he was doing. What toy was he going to pick? We had a riding crop, several vibrators, a butt plug and a set of anal beads, as well as a ball gag and a bit gag to choose from. I hoped he was going to forgo the anal on this first night because I had never engaged in anal play of any sort with anyone in my life and it terrified me.

I waited, trying to slow my breathing down so I could listen better and try to figure out what he was doing. Eventually, I heard his footsteps returning to the bed and then his weight on the mattress once more: This time at the foot of the bed, directly between my spread legs. I squirmed and tried to bring my ankles closer together, only to be prevented from doing so by the restraints. I heard a sudden buzzing sound and then felt a vibrating toy being pushed into my pussy, while he ran his other hand over the swelling welts on my ass cheeks. The mix of pain and pleasure, the feeling of helplessness, being bound and blindfolded and unable to do anything about either sensation, made me wild and I immediately started to drip.

His hand that was holding the toy pushed it harder into my clit, finding the nub with enough force to cause just a little pain in addition to the stimulating pleasure. This drove me over the top and I could tell that I was going to cum fast. He wiggled it back and forth on my clit, while still fingering my sore cheeks: tracing each welt in turn. My breathing turned to panting and I wriggled again, this time trying to get closer to the vibrating toy. It wasn't long until I came, the sensations in my wrists and ankles, the stinging throbbing of my ass cheeks, and the vibrating in my pussy as it was spread open to him, all combining to form an orgasm that shocked me with how quickly it had come.

S. then removed the toy and moved to another part of the room, not near the toy bag. I wanted to lift my head and try to listen, but I was completely worn out. I felt as if I had been running a marathon: My limbs were all shaky with exhaustion and my ass throbbed. I felt as if I couldn't possibly lift my head up. So I lay there, no longer fighting the sensations or bracing myself. But simply having given myself up to being helpless.

I heard a sound I couldn't identify, and then heard S. returning to the bed. Once more, his weight bent the mattress between my legs and I wondered what he was doing. Suddenly the strangest sensation: A feeling of both warmth and ice cold on my aching butt cheeks! What in the world was he doing, I wondered. But then I realized what the sensation was: S. had gotten a piece of ice from the hotel ice bucket and was holding it in his mouth. I was feeling his hot breath and the freezing ice simultaneously as he moved his mouth across each welt. The sensation was both arousing and soothing at the same time. He traced each and every welt before moving off the mattress once more.

Then he came over to the head of the bed and I felt his hands lift my left wrist and detach it from the restraint. It was over, I realized. I hadn't the slightest notion of how much time had passed. I felt completely exhausted and helpless, restraints or no. With my wrist freed, I pulled it in a few inches, closer to me, but that was as much as I could manage. S. moved his way around the bed, freeing each limb in turn as I lay there, in my out of body state, only vaguely aware of what he was doing.

When my last limb was free, S. removed the blindfold. I blinked in the low light of the room and felt even more disoriented than I had while blind. So I shut my eyes again. I managed to curl up a little, moving my arms and legs together for protection, but careful not to let anything touch my still throbbing rear. I found that I was shaking: small tremors seemed to travel of their own accord up and down my torso. I wasn't sure why or what to do about it so I just lay there. My head felt immensely heavy, and I didn't think I could possibly lift it if I tried.

I felt S. come sit in front of me on the mattress. I thought I should look up at him but I couldn't open my eyes or move other than trembling. I felt his hands smooth my hair and his fingers stroked my cheek. "I'm here. You're safe." he told me. "Just listen to my voice. I'll be here for you." His closeness and reassuring words made me feel less lost and the trembling started to abate. He just sat there and talked to me, stroking my hair, for I have no idea how long.

Eventually, I was able to open my eyes and look up at him, blinking a bit, still disoriented. He smiled down at me and asked if I was okay. I nodded. Then he asked if I wanted to put my head on his lap. (He knew this was something that would make me feel safe). I nodded again, and with his help, crawled forward until I was curled up with my head cradled on his legs. He leaned forward so I could feel the warmth of his body over mine, protectively covering me, and continued to stroke me gently.

More time passed. Again, I have no sense of how long it was. But I was eventually able to open my eyes for longer and longer periods of time and then smile up at him. S. smiled back down at me. "It's good to see your smile" he said. That made me smile more. I had done it! I realized. I had endured my very first whipping! And now I was safe in my darling Dom's arms, and I felt amazing! I reached down with one arm tentatively and felt my butt cheeks. I was immediately astonished by how much the welts stood out so I could trace them as they ran across my tender flesh. They stung slightly as I touched them.

I looked back up at S. to see his reaction. He grinned down at me and touched my ass lightly with one hand.
"Mine!" he said.
I nodded in complete agreement.
He had certainly proven that tonight! He had marked his territory and it was most definitely His!

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